Change is scary, but it is also inevitable. As humans we are constantly changing, growing, learning, and expanding into deeper more meaningful parts of ourselves within space and time. If you have a hard time embracing change, here is how you can start changing your perspective.

How To Embrace Change

Understanding your true potential is a very powerful way to lead a life of self love and fulfillment. We may not realize that we often times view our lives in comparison to those around us. When we do this, we lose sight of our own magic. The magic that resides within each and everyone of […]

Understanding Your True Potential

Here is why you should be living a more rural lifestyle. Living a rural lifestyle can be achieved by anyone, no matter your living situation. Whether you really are on a big plot of land or in a big city, finding ways to bring this lifestyle to you is the best way to activate the healing within […]

Why You Should Be Living A More Rural Lifestyle

The magic formula for better friendships! Building healthy friendships has always been a challenge for me.  Naturally, it has been a challenge for me to find people that are just like me.  But, what changed everything for me, was when I realized that our differences is what brings us together.  1.) Being supportive without trying to […]

The Magic Formula For Better Friendships

Six reasons you should be practicing yoga! Whether you are craving more mental balance, you want to work on your strength and stamina, or are looking for a spiritual outlet, yoga holds the answer! Here are six reasons you should be practicing yoga! 1.) Growing a healthy relationship with the body. Bringing yoga home to […]

Six Reasons You Should Be Practicing Yoga

Here are three steps to releasing limiting beliefs. Simply put, limiting beliefs refer to a false belief one might allow themselves to belief in a difficult or vulnerable situation. This false belief is acquired by the individual and as a result, making an incorrect assumption about something in life. One example being that a person […]

Three Steps to Releasing Limiting Beliefs

The coarse, dry air brushes my face with breezes filled with fear and tastes of bitterness. My watering eyes lay still glancing down at a dull sunflower who refuses to look at the sun. It is the only sunflower in a field full of tall weeds and long strands of grass. It bears no seeds […]