Which Service Are You Interested In?


Are you someone who sets crazy HIGH expectations for yourself? Leading to burnout, low energy, and disconnection from your mind and body?
Maybe feeling like your usual methods of pushing harder, doing more, and using willpower just is not working anymore. Discover how we can work one on one together to achieve all of your goals!

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Organic Handcrafted Skincare 

Handcrafted skincare made with all organic ingredients that strengthen the body from the outside in. Nourish yourself today. 
Interested in carrying my products at your location? Contact us for application!

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Custom yoga  sequences sent straight to you, 3 times weekly, through your own client portal with access to resources and activities that will leave you living your most fulfilled and soulful life!

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Ayurveda For Beginners

Are you interested in learning more about the power and magic of ayurveda? Get your ayurvedic wellness guide!

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Yoga and Meditation Coaching

About Each Service

Custom yoga and meditation sequences sent straight to you, 3 times weekly, through your own client portal with access to resources and activities that will leave you living your most fulfilled and soulful life!

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Sound Healing

Are you interested in learning more about the power and magic of ayurveda? Get your ayurvedic wellness guide!

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Sound baths offer a variety of benefits, which can be both physical and psychological. Here are some of the key advantages:

1. **Stress Reduction and Relaxation**: The soothing sounds can lower stress levels and promote relaxation by helping the body to release tension and enter a meditative state.

2. **Improved Sleep**: The calming effects of sound baths can improve sleep quality by reducing insomnia and promoting deeper sleep.

3. **Enhanced Mood and Emotional Well-being**: The meditative experience can enhance mood, reduce anxiety, and help manage depression by stimulating the production of serotonin and endorphins.

There are innumerable amount of benefits when it comes to sound healing. 
Come experience the purity yourself with a private session, infused with herbs, sage, essential oils and crystals to cleanse and purify your energy to feel born again! 





in booking a session?

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Ayurvedic medicine is about much more than providing treatment. Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest medical systems. Originating in India 5,000 years ago, it relies on a natural and holistic approach to physical, mental and emotional health.

The word “Ayurveda” is derived from Sanskrit and means “science of life.” In Ayurveda, there’s an underlying belief that everything in life is connected. Because of this, general health and wellness rely on achieving balance and harmony.
When a person is imbalanced or stressed, they’re likely to develop disease. Ayurveda focuses on implementing lifestyle interventions and natural treatments, therapies and remedies to provide balance among your physical body, mind, spirit and the world around you.

Ayurveda For Beginners 

Get My Wellness Guide

if you are not quite ready to work one on one with a health coach, but you really want to start implementing daily practices for healing, download your ayurvedic wellness guide to start finding ways in which you can implement this healing into your every day practice. 

I have always used yoga to really enhance my performance for my dressage riding and training. Throughout these sessions, we will customize a yoga class designed for your build, body type, and desired fitness goals. Yoga increases flexibility, builds strength and stamina, and allows you to attain full awareness back into the body by linking your breath with your movement. 


SESSIONS DONE VIRTUALLY & IN PERSON and with horses at my location


SESSIONS DONE VIRTUALLY & IN PERSON and with horses at my location



Interested improving your yoga practice?


These all organic handcrafted body care products are the simplest and most euphoric items to add to your nightly rituals. Made with all organic ingredients, small batch essential oils imported from overseas, and 100% LOVE! I am thrilled to continue to offer you these products and to allow bliss and peace to flow back in and through to your heart. 

Handcrafted Skincare

Interested in carrying my products? Contact me to have your custom proposal sent to your inbox!

Contact Tori


Each one-on-one package is customized based on what each client needs most. These packages are designed for humans who are ready to commit to the betterment of their mind, body, and soul. Reminding ourselves that in order to show up fully for those around us, we have to be showing up fully for ourselves in return in order to see the results that we want mentally, physically, and spiritually. 

AS an ayurvedic nutritionist as well as an integrative nutrition health coach, I take a bio-individual protocol walking you through step by step how to find meals that are balancing to your particular body type so that you can be feeling your best throughout the seasons. 
Interested in learning more about ayurveda? Check out this blog post. 

Full Restoration Coaching Package

Let me help you manage stress, reduce anxiety, and start feeling grounded and centered through the day to day!

Are you someone who sets crazy HIGH expectations for yourself? Leading to burnout, low energy, and disconnection from your mind and body?
Maybe feeling like your usual methods of pushing harder, doing more, and using willpower just is not working anymore. 

Are you struggling with balanced nutrition? Leading you to feel unaligned mentally, physically, and spiritually causing extreme amounts of stress and anxiety?

Here is your solution friend!


- Four fifty-minute coaching sessions per month
-Customized Ayurvedic Nutrition Guide 
- Access to my private Facebook support group
-Custom yoga sessions designed to increase strength and flexibility at an appropriate pace for your body.
-Cooking classes sent to you within your client portal.
-Custom recipes for your body type.
-Access to my one-on-one ayruveda for beginners template.


PRICING: starts at $299

Within this program, there is a lot of things that you will learn about ayurveda and the natural practices of helping the body heal itself. This is the reason that these services are so beneficial and long lasting. You are doing the real work, and I am here to help you trip your bodies' natural healing mechanisms. 

contact me

Interested in any of my offerings? Please fill out the client application to have your personal proposal sent to your email!

Concepts We Will Explore During Our Coaching Sessions

Integrative Nutrition Plate

The Integrative Nutrition Plate emphasizes the importance of local and organic produce, whole grains, high-quality proteins, plant-based fats, and water. It shows you how a plate should appear at mealtime and emphasizes the importance of proportions and portion size. To complete the picture, the plate is surrounded with lifestyle factors that create optimal health: relationship, career, physical activity and spirituality. I’ll introduce you to some of the healthiest foods on the planet and teach you how to find what’s healthiest for your unique body!


Primary Food

It’s easy to overlook all of the things that contribute to our sense of nourishment and fulfillment. It’s not just the food we eat that affects our health, but all of the other factors present in our daily lives. Healthy relationships, a fulfilling career, regular physical activity, and a spiritual awareness are essential forms of nourishment. When these primary foods are balanced, what you eat becomes secondary. I will support you in achieving all of your goals, from eating the right foods for your body to living an inspired, fulfilling life.



The concept of Bio-IINndividuality is the idea that each of us has unique food and lifestyle needs. One person’s food is another person’s poison, and that’s why fad diets tend to fail in the long run. Working on the principle of bio-individuality, I’ll support you to make positive changes that are based on your unique needs, lifestyle, preferences, and ancestral background.


Crowding Out

Many nutrition experts give their clients a list of foods to avoid and foods to eat, which explains why so many people are turned off by nutrition. My approach is different – by eating and drinking foods that are good for you, you will naturally have less room and desire for unhealthy foods. Simply put, you will crowd out the unhealthy food in your diet. This takes a little practice to make it happen, but I will support you along the way.


Deconstructing Cravings

Cravings play a critical role in understanding what your body needs and shouldn’t be ignored. When you learn how to deconstruct your cravings and understand what they’re really telling you, you will be able to reclaim a sense of balance and harmony.


"I feel lighter, like negative energy is finally cleared."

"I finally feel like I felt a release of emotions. Better than therapy."

"I have done EMDR, and other therapies, but this was by far the deepest relief I got out of a session with someone."

"By far my favorite organic products!"

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